Friday, January 14, 2011

Miley Cyrus! What Have You Done To My Ears!!!

So I was on my way home the other day, and I'm not really sure what happened, but Miley Cyrus's "Party in The USA" came on, and the intro guitar had me going, I was bobbin my head and everything. And I'm majorly not okay with that! Miley Cyrus represents all in the music industry(and disney) that I very passionately dislike. I'm officially scared, is there something I can do to stop this. I know that Guitar is just a little catchy, and it's okay to like the guitar in a song of an artist that I don't like for more than just their music. But this could be the start of a change or broadening in my musical taste that I want to prevent now while I still have all my thinking faculties. You know how these things work, first it's the guitar line next thing you know, it's on my iPod and I'm ordering a t-shirt overnight fed ex. Please anyone out there HELP ME!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Singing In The Car...

Everybody is guilty, don't deny it. And there's always that one song that will make you and your friends sing no matter the occasion, like even a funeral procession. But seriously, singing in the car is most definitely the way that I learned the words to most songs i know, that and sleeping with music in. Me and my brother can't not sing when "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness comes on, definite one hit wonder and that makes us love it more. There's a video i'm putting up of the way me and my brother go off for that song, thankfully i wasn't driving at that point in the road trip. But even when I am, we still have like a full scale party in my car, mickey mouse hands included. What about you, any guilty car listening/singing pleasures? Alone, Group? Let me know in the comments, and check out the video on my youtube channel. Keep the car tunes rocking. -Elias

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Truth be told I like any type of music so long as it has a soul behind it, even if it belongs to the Devil. So this excludes Miley Cyrus and the like. But one thing I really enjoy is cover songs that cross genres. Really good examples are A Day To Remember's versions of "Since U Been Gone" and "Over My Head(Cable Car)." Both are on the "Attack of The Killer B-Sides" 7". These are great especially since Jeremy McKinnon can really sing the songs well and they still come through as hardcore. Another really good one is Rise Against's awesome version of "Anyway You Want It" on their "Revolutions Per Minute" Album. The great thing about these covers is that as changed as they are they still come through feeling as originally intended. Although not cross genre, one cover I love to listen to is The Killer's cover/excerpt of "I Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You", which they play live as an intro to "Shadowplay", another cover! I have it on their "Live At Glastonbury Festival 2007" recording. If there's any covers you like, leave a comment and let me know, also i'll be posting some covers of my own on my youtube channel in addition to some original songs so check it out.