Friday, January 14, 2011

Miley Cyrus! What Have You Done To My Ears!!!

So I was on my way home the other day, and I'm not really sure what happened, but Miley Cyrus's "Party in The USA" came on, and the intro guitar had me going, I was bobbin my head and everything. And I'm majorly not okay with that! Miley Cyrus represents all in the music industry(and disney) that I very passionately dislike. I'm officially scared, is there something I can do to stop this. I know that Guitar is just a little catchy, and it's okay to like the guitar in a song of an artist that I don't like for more than just their music. But this could be the start of a change or broadening in my musical taste that I want to prevent now while I still have all my thinking faculties. You know how these things work, first it's the guitar line next thing you know, it's on my iPod and I'm ordering a t-shirt overnight fed ex. Please anyone out there HELP ME!!!

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