Tuesday, October 19, 2010


My name is Elias, I hope you like my blog.

So I Like Music, a lot, i love it. One thing that amazes me about how us humans are made is our ability to take a physical stimuli, sound waves, and somehow turn it into a emotional experience, sometimes even go full circle to a physical reaction. I love that inspired moment that you feel something and it's a song, it's a song and that's that. And you sit and you write everything you can down that comes to your mind. Sentences and stray thoughts that you somehow pull together to make a meaningful discourse to yourself that somehow other people totally understand. The feel, sounds of instruments not there that already have a melody half worked out on their own. And the places and faces you see. I love listening to a song that knows me, a song that the writer really feels and isn't afraid to show it to you. So I want to share that more with people.

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