Friday, October 22, 2010

High Rotation

Hello again,
So one of the bands that i've really been into is Surfer Blood. They've been getting really big on the indie scene, with a sound likened by many to early Weezer and Built to Spill. I didn't make that connection right away, but maybe I'm slow. To me these guys have a nice loud, reverb to the max, guitar sound, but are way too chill to use it all the time. Their full length debut, "Astro Coast," keeps me mesmerized to the point where i could do anything for as long as i want with that thing on repeat. My two favorite tracks are "Slow Jambroni" and "Anchorage." To me even though these songs start out slow they just develop so fully I can't hep but to move to them when they come on. I've seen them twice live and they do not disappoint. Although seemingly finicky to how the monitors are working, once they feel they can produce their sound they let go. On both occasions there was audience participation. In Montreal lead vocals, John Paul Pitts, joined the floor with the audience for some guitar soloing. While in Milford, CT there was much to do. Percussionist Marcos Brought his giant sparkly blue tom into the middle of the audience and passed out drumsticks so showgoers could keep the beat. At the same time drummer TJ Schwarz took one of his cymbals and passed it out to an audience member(me!) and slammed on it in a finale of the show while JP was screaming and playing into the PA so as to make as much noise as possible. It was amazing! These guys have this crazy intense energy that gets you going but can slow things down and take you for a ride the next track. Definitely in my top five for this year, I never declare a favorite, ever, or at least not yet.

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